What We Believe
- Bible: We trust that the Holy Bible is the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God for life and ministry.
- Trinity: We accept as true that there is one God, existing as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- Jesus Christ: We believe and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ; that He is the one and only Son of God; that He was born of a virgin; that He redeemed sinful humankind by His atoning death through His shed blood; that He bodily resurrected and ascended into heaven; that He will come again in power and great glory.
- Salvation: We attest that salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and his atoning work on the Cross, making it possible for individuals who come to faith to be regenerated by the Holy Spirit.
- Holy Spirit: We accept and rely upon the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whom Christ indwells each believer, giving power to live a godly life of obedience and grow into Christian maturity.
- Church: We believe the Holy Spirit unites all past, present, and future true believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and that together they form one body, the church.