Compassion Medical Outreach

Through this program, Life Light has been able to minister to those with leprosy and those who are HIV-positive, as well as to spread awareness about healthy hygiene and breast cancer.
India has the largest population of lepers in the world, as more than 150,000 people with leprosy live in India. Since many still believe that lepers are paying the price for the sins of their past lives, they are completely shunned by the rest of the community. Life Light has adopted a leper colony living under a bridge on the outskirts of the city and is caring for the community by giving them encouragement, fellowship, and providing for their physical and medical needs. Most of the lepers have become blind or lost the zeal to live. We provide them with food and spend time eating with them as we share God’s love from the Bible. You can support a pastor who works with this leper colony for $120/month or feed a leper for $10/month.
India also has the second largest HIV-infected population in the world, with some 5.7 million people in India suffering from HIV/AIDS. Just as with leprosy, many in India believe that being afflicted with HIV/AIDS is evidence of bad karma (sins of the past). Life Light conducts a three-day seminar around the information provided in the book HIV Hope by Duane Crumb. This book has been translated into the native language of Marathi and strives to empower national leaders with Christ-centered prevention to give them hope rather than fear of the disease.
Life Light conducts street ministry to reach both of these groups. As sustenance is offered, so too are the encouraging words of the Gospel that God loves these victims the same as He loves all other people. Through Compassion Medical Outreach, the Word of God is bringing light and life into some of the darkest dwelling places on earth.