Child Sponsorship

Some Statistics in India: (Joshua Project || Operation World, 7th edition)
- There are 400 million children under the age of 15
- 35 million children are orphans
- 11 million children have been abandoned
- 90% of those abandoned children are girls
- 20 million are child laborers
- 3 million are street children
- 2 million are child prostitutes
When you sponsor a child, your monthly donations help support the work of New Beginnings Children’s Home, which cares for over 70 children between the ages of 6 and 18. These children come from a variety of backgrounds: orphaned, intense poverty, street children, forced labor, disabled, or abandoned. Many of them were child laborers, abused, unwanted, living on the streets, or were being forced into child marriages.
Life Light has two categories of children: the first category is the “in home” child who lives, eats, attends school, and is provided clothing, medical care, parental-type care and discipline, and faith development on Life Light’s campus. The second category is the “in community” child who lives with their family, but who eats, attends school, is provided clothing, medical attention, and faith direction. All “in home” children are given the opportunity to remain in home until they reach age sixteen. At that point we encourage the children to remain at NBCH and under our sponsorship program, so that we can help provide for them while they are in junior college. By the age of eighteen we have equipped our students to be successfully independent.
Our Sponsorship Program is different from others in that we encourage every sponsor to write to their child regularly and as often as they want. We want sponsors to serve as mentors and prayer partners, building a relationship with their child that will hopefully last for the rest of their lives.
There are three monthly sponsorship options: $35, $70, $105. Your monthly donations will help change a young life forever. Because we have many children who are unsponsored we have chosen to pool all monthly donations and use the donations to provide for all the needs of the children at NBCH. By structuring our program this way we are able to provide the same quality care to each child, rather than giving more food or better care to a sponsored child and withholding food and care to an unsponsored child. That is unethical and unbiblical. However, every dollar donated through our sponsorship program still goes to the care of Life Light’s children.
So then, what’s the best part of individual sponsorships? You get to interact with your sponsored child through letters, email and video conferencing, watching them grow and thrive thanks to your contributions. A one-on-one sponsorship is beneficial to both you and your child because it promotes a relationship and communicates Christian love, which is fundamental to our children.
We are trying to provide our children with every possible way so that they can dream bigger and experience the deep love God our Father has for them as His children. Above all, our desire is to serve Christ in a more holistic approach. The needs are great, but we continually remind ourselves that we can and must make a difference, one child at a time.
“Precious Children of India ” is a book written by ministry partners who have interviewed and written the stories of 12 children that we rescued. Check it out on Amazon to learn more about the ways we are helping these children.